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NewtribeZ Radio In Tune Links
Please click on the appropriate link for your media player to tune into NewTribeZ Radio stream. NewTribeZ Radio streams only independent music 24/7.
If you are interested in having your tunes featured on NewtribeZ Radio please submit your tunes by uploading your MP3 files to NewTribeZ Music application - NewTuneZ or contact admin@newtribez.net with any questions.
NewTribeZ Radio Personalities
NewTribeZ Radio was launched on the 16th November 2011, to provide members with the opportunity to gain increased exposure and improved fan interaction on their terms.
As a community we encourage and facilitate members to have their music and opinions heard. We have had the great pleasure of featuring new tracks from musicians before they were made available for public release, we have had controversial interviews on sensitive subjects aired for the first time anywhere and we have had the opportunity to feature innovative business opportunities... all things that are only possible when you are truly independent... for we are NewTribeZ, a non-aligned, non discriminatory community and radio station dedicated to our members and assisting them make a difference in all that they do.
While there are many that have shared their passion and time (when their time permitted) to help establish NewTribeZ Radio as the independent voice it is, allow us to introduce just a few who have been here from the start...
Greg Gibson – Owner, Founder and Designer.
His significant educational background has been well augmented by over 26 years IT development and consulting for national and international ventures combined with his driving ambition to promote peaceful causes led to the development of NewTribeZ.
Susan Gibson is the Membership Manager for NewTribeZ.
Susan along with her husband Greg established NewTribeZ in May 2010 in order to build a web community based on non-judgmental egalitarian principles focused on delivering balanced professional content in a safe, uplifting and secure environment.
Susan and Greg's ongoing investment will shortly expand to on air presentations, with the release two live shows - "NewTuneZ" the independent look at artists on NewTribeZ and "Chill out" featuring independent opinions, a little humour, lots of great music and even radio plays... coming soon to NewTribeZ Radio.
As a community we encourage and facilitate members to have their music and opinions heard. We have had the great pleasure of featuring new tracks from musicians before they were made available for public release, we have had controversial interviews on sensitive subjects aired for the first time anywhere and we have had the opportunity to feature innovative business opportunities... all things that are only possible when you are truly independent... for we are NewTribeZ, a non-aligned, non discriminatory community and radio station dedicated to our members and assisting them make a difference in all that they do.
While there are many that have shared their passion and time (when their time permitted) to help establish NewTribeZ Radio as the independent voice it is, allow us to introduce just a few who have been here from the start...
Greg Gibson – Owner, Founder and Designer.
His significant educational background has been well augmented by over 26 years IT development and consulting for national and international ventures combined with his driving ambition to promote peaceful causes led to the development of NewTribeZ.
Susan Gibson is the Membership Manager for NewTribeZ.
Susan along with her husband Greg established NewTribeZ in May 2010 in order to build a web community based on non-judgmental egalitarian principles focused on delivering balanced professional content in a safe, uplifting and secure environment.
Susan and Greg's ongoing investment will shortly expand to on air presentations, with the release two live shows - "NewTuneZ" the independent look at artists on NewTribeZ and "Chill out" featuring independent opinions, a little humour, lots of great music and even radio plays... coming soon to NewTribeZ Radio.
The NewTribeZ Radio looks forward to you joining with other members to deliver the best possible independent radio experience. NewTribeZ encourages Members to let their voice be heard and to have their say, so that we can improve the services and deliver the content you desire. We look forward to your active participation in your community's radio station.
NewTribeZ Radio Stream
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NewTribeZ Radio Station
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NewTribeZ Radio Stream
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NewtribeZ Radio In Tune Links
Please click on the appropriate link for your media player to tune into NewTribeZ Radio stream. NewTribeZ Radio streams only independent music 24/7.
If you are interested in having your tunes featured on NewtribeZ Radio please submit your tunes by uploading your MP3 files to NewTribeZ Music application - NewTuneZ or Contact to NewTribeZ or Send an Email with any questions.
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Radio Schedule
Please review NewTribeZ Radio Schedule for program times.
The Radio schedule is intended as a general guide however to accommodate special events or unforeseen circumstances session times may be altered without notice... we apologise for any inconvenience caused.
The Radio schedule is intended as a general guide however to accommodate special events or unforeseen circumstances session times may be altered without notice... we apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Radio Guidelines and Policy
Please review NewTribeZ Radio and Live Stream's General Guidelines and Policies before making any requests or submissions.
NewTribeZ Radio Schedule
Please review NewTribeZ Radio Schedule for program times.
The Radio schedule is intended as a general guide however to accommodate special events or unforeseen circumstances session times may be altered without notice... we apologise for any inconvenience caused.
The Radio schedule is intended as a general guide however to accommodate special events or unforeseen circumstances session times may be altered without notice... we apologise for any inconvenience caused.
All times are GMT +11. The time now is 1:06 am.
NewTribeZ Supports Indie Music
NewTribeZ Radio Guidelines and Policy
Please review NewTribeZ Radio and Live Stream's General Guidelines and Policies before making any requests or submissions.